Jan 25, 2016 Community Forum, Faucette Fire Station – Rescheduled for Feb 22, 2016
Good morning!
Due to the condition of local roads at this time, we are postponing the Community Forum scheduled for tonight, January 25, 2016 at the Faucette Fire Station.
We will announce a new date shortly.
Thank you and keep safe!
Upcoming Strategic Planning Community Forums
Alamance County Strategic Plan COMMUNITY FORUMS
Please join us for our public forums. Lend your voice to the Strategic Plan! These forums provide an opportunity to help staff identify and prioritize your County vision. Help us continue to put your priorities first.
For more information, please visit our website: https://www.alamance-nc.com/strategicplan/
Or follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlamanceCountyStrategicPlan
Organized by the Alamance County
Planning Department
Community Forum Flyer Fire Stations Jan and Feb
January 25, 2016, 6pm: Community Forum – Faucette Fire Station, 2164 Carolina Rd., Burlington, NC 27217
January 26, 2016, 6pm: Mebane Arts and Community Center,
February 4, 2016, 6pm: Alamance-Ossipee Fire Station, 2806 Old NC 87, Elon
February 8, 2016, 6pm: Elon Fire Station, 219 S. Williamson Ave., Elon
February 18, 2016, 6pm: Swepsonville Fire Station, 2744 Darrell Newton Drive, Graham (Swepsonville)
New Strategic Plan Meeting Dates Announced
Three more Strategic Plan meeting dates and locations have been announced for the public to come out and participate in the long-term planning process for Alamance County.
- February 4 at Altamahaw-Ossipee Station, 2806 Old NC 87, Elon
- February 8 at Elon Fire Station 219 S. Williamson Ave., Elon
Come out to our public forums to share your ideas, visions and hopes for the county!
For more information, please contact the Planning Department or visit our web pages at:
Strategic Plan Naming Contest
Do you want to help your county?
Do you want to win $100?
The Alamance County Strategic Planning Committee needs YOU to come up with a name for the new Strategic Plan. If your entry is chosen, you win the $100 prize. Enter between Jan 1st – Feb 1st.
You can submit your ideas using either of these:
- Visit any of the Alamance County Public Libraries branches
- Email your name, phone number, and idea to ACNameThatPlan@gmail.com
- Go to http://goo.gl/forms/IsNS0ZxKW9 to submit online
- Use the above QR Code to submit online.
Strategic Plan Meetings
Two meetings have been scheduled to allow the public to give input and receive information about the upcoming Alamance County Strategic Plan. The purpose of these meetings is to allow the public to share their vision and concerns for the county. County staff and leadership will then use the information to draft a strategic plan addressing those needs and expectations.
The first meeting is set for 6 p.m. Jan. 12 in the Oaks Building, Room 212, at Elon University, 416 N. Williamson Ave. in Elon.
The second meeting is set for 6 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Mebane Arts and Community Center, 633 Corregidor St. in Mebane.
The public is welcome and invited to attend and participate in either or both meetings.
Strategic Plan Website Launched
Alamance County has launched its strategic plan website so that citizens can keep up to date with all aspects of the development and implementation of our new strategic plan. The site will contain documents that citizens can review and announcements about events that they can attend.
You can visit our new site at https://www.alamance-nc.com/strategicplan/.
You can like the Alamance County Strategic Plan Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/AlamanceCountyStrategicPlan/.
Historic Properties Commission and Planning Board Seeking Members
The Alamance County Historic Properties Commission is currently seeking members. The Alamance County Historic Properties Commission is an 11 member advisory board that deals with the active preservation and designation of Alamance County’s historic landmarks and districts. The Commission is also responsible for the review of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness related to the rehabilitation of locally-designated historic structures.
We are also currently seeking applications for the Alamance County Planning Board. The Alamance County Planning Board is a 13 member advisory board that responds to the needs of the citizens of the county by providing leadership and guidance for the comprehensive, thoughtful and orderly growth and development of our land based upon respect for our rich history and culture, and fairness to our citizens.
All members are expected to attend monthly meetings of each board, and additional involvement may be requested.
If you are interested in being a part of either of these boards, please visit our Board Vacancies page to download and fill out an application. If you have any questions about these boards or this process, please contact the Alamance County Planning Department.
New Manufactured Home Ordinance
The County has adopted a revised Manufactured Home Ordinance. Click on this article to read more.
Public Hearing: Proposed changes to the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance
The Alamance County Board of Commissioners has set a public hearing for November 16, 2015, at 7pm to hear public responses to proposed changes to the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance.