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Extra COVID-19 Food Stamp Benefits Ending February 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a federal government program let us give you more FNS benefits than normal. The federal program is ending.

Find your regular FNS benefit amount:

• Call 1-888-622-7328.
• Visit Click on More Information under EBT Cardholders.
• Download the ebtEDGE mobile app. The app is available as a free download on the Apple Store and Google Play.


En Español:

Beneficios adicionales de cupones para alimentos por COVID-19 finalizando en febrero de 2023

Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, un programa del gobierno federal nos permitió brindarle más beneficios de FNS de lo normal. El programa federal está terminando.

Para saber el monto de su beneficio regular de FNS:

• Ilame al 1-888-622-7328.
• Visite Haga clic en Más información en Titulares de tarjetas EBT.
• Descargue la aplicación móvil ebtEDGE. La aplicación está disponible como descarga gratuita en Apple Store y Google.

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Notice of Special Meeting – Board Retreat

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a Board Retreat on Monday, January 30, 2023, at 9:30 am in the Wallace W. Gee Bldg, Room G-222, Alamance Community College (ACC) at 1247 Jimmie Kerr Rd, Graham, NC 27253.

The purpose of this meeting is to set upcoming priorities for the year.

This 20th day of January 2023.

Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board
Alamance County Board of Commissioners

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Saturday, October 15th, 2022 from 8am – 12pm (Rain or Shine)

For: Alamance County Residents Only
Cost: Free

Location: Holly Hill Mall (Outside, adjacent to Dunham’s Sports)
309 Huffman Mill Rd
Burlington, NC

NO Business/Commercial waste will be accepted!

Now accepting more than just paint related material and pesticides!

Types of hazardous waste that will be accepted:

  • Household cleaners, drain openers, toilet bowl cleaners, oven cleaners, disinfectants
  • Solvents, thinners, shellacs, varnishes, sealers, wood preservatives
  • Automotive products including brake fluid, antifreeze, used motor oil up to 5 gal,
    filters, gasoline
  • Pesticides & insecticides including poisons, aerosols, weed killers
  • Miscellaneous materials such as acids, bases, kerosene, batteries, photographic chemicals,
    pool chemicals, mercury, fluorescent tubes, CFLs
  • Latex & oil based paint and spray paint
  • Propane Cylinders (Grill and camp size ONLY)

Household material that will NOT be accepted:

  • Explosives / Ammunition
  • Electronics / TVs / Computers
  • Radioactives / Smoke Detectors
  • Medical Waste

For more information:

Sponsored by Alamance County Landfill; Co-sponsored by Town of Elon & NC Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services


What: Alamance County Health Department will begin administration of Moderna and Pfizer bivalent COVID-19 booster shots

When: Mondays and Fridays beginning Friday, September 9, 2022

Where: 319 N Graham Hopedale Rd., Suite E, Burlington, NC.

Who’s Eligible: You can get a bivalent booster if you are 12 years of age or older and it has been at least 2 months since your last dose of your primary series or booster.

Individuals are encouraged to visit or call (336) 290-0650 to schedule an appointment

24/7 Materials Pick-Up is Now Available!

The Alamance County Public Libraries (ACPL) is proud to be able to offer 24/7 Pick-Up to the Alamance County Community. These 24/7 lockers, funded by a grant from the State Library of North Carolina, are a convenient, contact-free way to get materials outside of regular business hours.

“We are hoping this service makes it easier for those people who do shift work, or who are commuting and may want to just grab their materials and go,” Wendy Kimbro, Graham Library branch manager, said. “As we are in such a convenient location for people coming off the highway, we wanted to give people a quick and easy option for getting materials whenever it is most convenient for them.”

To use this service, library patrons should select 24/7 Pick-up – Graham as their pick-up location when placing library materials on hold. When they receive notification that their items are ready, they can get them at any time from the locker units outside the front entrance of the Graham Public Library. Use the kiosk interface to scan your library card, or type in your library card number, and the locker will open containing your requested items. Removing the items completes the check-out process. Please remember to close the locker door when you’re done and you are good to go.

Visit the library in person Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The libraries are closed on Sundays.

Library cards are available free of charge for anyone who lives or works in Alamance County. ACPL borrowing privileges are also available to residents in the surrounding counties of Guilford, Rockingham, Caswell, Orange, Chatham, and Randolph. All patrons are encouraged to speak with a staff member with any questions about their accounts. Happy reading to all.

For more information about ACPL services and operations, visit and follow us on Facebook (AlamanceLibraries), Twitter (ACLibraries) and Instagram (alamancelibraries), and YouTube (Alamance County Public Libraries).

2022 Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program Application Sign up

The Alamance County Voluntary Agricultural District Board (VAD) will be accepting applications for the Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program from Sept.1st – Sept. 30, 2022.  The applications can be picked up or emailed from the Alamance Soil and Water Office starting September 1st, 2022.

 Applications must be returned to the Alamance SWCD Office at 209 N Graham Hopedale Road, Burlington, NC 27217, beginning Sept. 1st  with a deadline of Thursday, Sept. 30, 2022, @ 5:00 PM.

The NC Dept. of Agriculture and Community Services Farmland Preservation Trust Fund anticipates having funding statewide to fund applications in the 2022-2023 cycle.  The Alamance County VAD Board will select the top applicants from the applications received based on the VAD Ranking System.  North Carolina leads the Southeast in lost farmland and Family farms.  This funding is made available to encourage farmland preservation and protection.

If you have questions about the program or request an application, please contact the Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District Office @ 336-290-0380.  

Brad Moore, Alamance Soil and Water Conservation District Administrator


Farmland Preservation Purchase of Development Rights

Applications Will Be Accepted

Sept. 1st thru Sept. 30th   

The entry deadline is Sept. 30, 2022

2022 Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program Application Sign up

The Alamance County Voluntary Agricultural District Board (VAD) will be accepting applications for the Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program from Sept.1st – Sept. 30, 2022. The applications can be picked up or emailed from the Alamance Soil and Water Office starting September 1st, 2022.

Applications must be returned to the Alamance SWCD Office at 209 N Graham Hopedale Road, Burlington, NC 27217, beginning Sept. 1st with a deadline of Thursday, Sept. 30, 2022, @ 5:00 PM.

The NC Dept. of Agriculture and Community Services Farmland Preservation Trust Fund anticipates having funding statewide to fund applications in the 2022-2023 cycle. The Alamance County VAD Board will select the top applicants from the applications received based on the VAD Ranking System. North Carolina leads the Southeast in lost farmland and Family farms. This funding is made available to encourage farmland preservation and protection.

If you have questions about the program or request an application, please contact the Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District Office @ 336-290-0380.

Brad Moore, Alamance Soil and Water Conservation District Administrator

Farmland Preservation
Purchase of Development Rights
Applications Will Be Accepted
Sept. 1st thru Sept. 30th

The entry deadline is Sept. 30, 2022

Board Volunteers Sought

Alamance County is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee; Alamance County Senior Services Committee; Gibsonville Planning & Board of Adjustment Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Member; Elon Planning Board & Board of Adjustment Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Members; Public Transit Advisory Commission (Link Transit); Social Services Board; and the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee.

If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, apply online at: