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New Hours for May Memorial Library

Alamance County Public Libraries announces new library hours for May Memorial Library. Beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2019, the May Memorial Library branch will be open from 9am – 8pm.

This change is the outcome of a detailed analysis of patron activity over the past two years and is consistent with the closing times of other Alamance County Library Branches. Director of Alamance Libraries Susana Goldman states, “Providing our patrons with staff and library resources continues to be our number one priority. This change allows us to reallocate staff for increased availability to patrons during peak library hours.”

May Memorial’s new operating hours as of September 3, 2019 will be the following:

  • Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Friday – Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Sunday: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Susana Goldman at 336-513-4753 or email at

Emergency Management Weather Update and Impact

The combination of high temperatures and humidity will result in heat index values reaching 109°F in some areas Thursday afternoon and evening. Prolonged high temperatures and humidity are expected to remain through the weekend.

  • A Heat Advisory remains in effect through 7PM this evening for many areas within the Piedmont including Alamance County.
  • An Excessive Heat Watch will go into effect Saturday and Sunday for the county.
    • Consecutive days of high heat and minimal cooling at night will result in dangerous conditions
    • Heat index values may reach 112°F during the afternoon/evening over the weekend and only drop into the 80s and 90s at night
    • Low temperatures will remain in the upper 70s to lower 80s for the county over the weekend
  • Prolonged exposure to heat could lead to dehydration, overheating, or heat illness
    • Take extra precautions and limit any outside work or activities
    • Drink plenty of water
    • Wear light weight, light colored, and loose fitting clothing
    • Take numerous breaks in the shade if possible while outdoors
  • Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected to develop across the region Thursday afternoon with most storms diminishing this evening
  • The primary threats with any storm that develops:
    • Damaging wind gusts
    • Brief, heavy rainfall
    • Dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning
  • A weather pattern change is expected next week as cooler air will move in Monday increasing the chances for showers and thunderstorms

If you should need to take shelter due to the high heat index please go to:

ACAC – Allied Churches of Alamance County
206 N. Fisher Street
Burlington, NC 27217

They also severe hot meals Monday – Friday for families in need.

For further questions, please contact the Alamance County Emergency Management Department at 336-227-1365.

2018 Community Health Assessment Presented at Board of County Commissioners Meeting

2018 Community Health Assessment Presented at Board of County Commissioners Meeting
Health Department and Community Partners Present Findings

BURLINGTON- The 2018 Community Health Assessment (CHA) has been completed and was approved by the North Carolina Division of Public Health on May 1, 2019. Representatives from the Health Department and Healthy Alamance presented the findings of the report at the July 15, 2019 meeting of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners.

Health priorities highlighted in the report are access to care, education, and economy. The 2018 CHA details county demographics, health statistics, and the results of a telephone survey, focus groups, and a community forum. Additionally, the 2018 CHA highlights how social drivers affect the overall health of the community.

The 2018 CHA is a collaborative effort between the Alamance County Health Department, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Elon University, Healthy Alamance, Impact Alamance, United Way and other community partners. The CHA is a report required every three to four years by the North Carolina Division of Public Health from all local health departments in North Carolina. To view the 2018 CHA, please visit then choose Health Reports and Statistics.


Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Outreach

Alamance, Durham, Orange, and Person Counties are working together to update the Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and your participation and input is valuable! This plan update is required to maintain eligibility for future pre- and post-disaster funding from FEMA. This effort will also help the counties and incorporated municipalities to identify hazard risks, understand vulnerability, and develop ways to proactively mitigate these risks. A public meeting will be held on Thursday, July 11th at 5:30 p.m. at the Whitted Human Services Building at 300 West Tryon Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278 to provide information on the planning process, the identified hazards, and additional opportunities for public involvement, as well as to gather feedback from the public. For more information on the plan update, please

Alamance County Board of Elections to Conduct Educational Seminar on Voter ID Requirement

RALEIGH, N.C. – The Alamance County Board of Elections will hold an educational seminar about voter photo identification requirements at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 16, at the Williams High School Auditorium, 1307 South Church Street, Burlington, NC 27215.

The seminar is free and open to the public.

Beginning in 2020, voters will be required to provide photo identification before they vote. This includes both in-person and by-mail voting, with some exceptions. In November 2018, North Carolina voters approved an amendment to the N.C. Constitution to require voters to present photo ID at the polls.

Session Law 2018-144 requires each county board of elections to hold at least two voter ID seminars before September 1, 2019. Attendees also will receive information about voting options, including absentee-by-mail, One-Stop early voting and Election Day voting. Information about provisional voting, the availability of free North Carolina voter ID cards and residency requirements for voting also will be provided.

For more information on the voter ID requirement in North Carolina, please go to

Questions? Please contact the Alamance County Board of Elections at 336-570-6755.

Southern High-Mount Hermon Road Temporarily Closed

Due to a collapsed culvert, 1353 to 1363 Southern High-Mount Hermon Road, located between
Bellemont-Mt Hermon Road and Rogers Road, has been temporarily closed. Repairs are
estimated to take the next two days, and county officials anticipate the road will be opened by
Thursday, June 27.

For further questions, please contact the Alamance County Emergency Management
Department at 336-227-1365.

Website Maintenance Notice for Weekend of June 28-30

You may have recently noticed some changes to pages on our county and library websites.  This has been done to prepare our websites for some maintenance work that will be happening during the weekend of June 28-30.  We are hopeful that this maintenance period will be uneventful, but wanted to let web citizens like you know that these websites may be briefly unavailable during this process.

This maintenance is for the county website ( and libraries website (

The maintenance should not affect the following sites.  We are providing links so that you can get to them during the process.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube will not be affected at all.

We will keep you informed of our upgrades both here at the county’s website and on our social media presences at Twitter ( and Facebook (

Status of the Ossipee Dam in Altamahaw

This morning, the Alamance County Emergency Management Office and the AO Fire Department were alerted to water leaking from the base of the Ossipee Dam in Altamahaw. Since then, the NC Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Quality Dam Safety Division, and the State Emergency Management Office have been in contact with representatives from the local County Emergency Management Office as well as Glen Raven Mills, owner of the dam. At this time, the dam is categorized as a regulated jurisdictional low hazard dam indicating that if failure occurs, there should be minimal negative impact to property.

Glen Raven Mills along with the AO Fire Department and the Alamance County Emergency Management Office will be working together to regularly monitor the situation and will report any change in status to the Department of Environmental Quality Dam Safety Division.

Due to these conditions, the Altamahaw Paddle Access, Shallow Ford Natural Area Paddle Access, Great Bend Park Paddle Access, and the Glencoe Paddle Access will be closed until further notice.

Congratulations to the 2019 Spring County Government Academy Graduates!!

Group Photo of June 2019 County Gov Academy graduates
Pictured left to right:
Front row: Dylan Galloway; Scott Cates; Patricia Pelt; Sarah Elizabeth Carroll; Sugelema Lynch;
Back row: Brian Conlon; Tamara Patterson; Tommy Purcell; Craig Thompson and Chair Amy Scott Galey
Not pictured: Patti Alderman; Thomas Hart; Lisa Rowden; and Jeff Stein

County Gov Academy Graduates seated
County Gov Academy Graduates
Chair Galey introduces Graduates
Chair Amy Scott Galey
Scott Cates
Scott Cates, County Gov Academy Graduate
Sarah Elizabeth Carroll
Sarah Elizabeth Carroll, County Gov Academy Graduate
Craig Thompson
Craig Thompson, County Gov Academy Graduate
Tommy Purcell
Tommy Purcell, County Gov Academy Graduate
Patricia Pelt
Patricia Pelt, County Gov Academy Graduate
Tamara Patterson
Tamara Patterson, County Gov Academy Graduate
Sugelema Lynch
Sugelema Lynch, County Gov Academy Graduate
Dylan Galloway
Dylan Galloway, County Gov Academy Graduate
Brian Conlon
Brian Conlon, County Gov Academy Graduate