Due to relocating offices, the Alamance County Veterans Services will be closed February 19, 20, 21, and 24. They will not be accepting walk-ins on February 18 or 25.
The new Veterans Services offices will continue to be located at the County Annex Building (201 W. Elm Street, Graham), however, the entrance will now be off of Maple Street at 102 N. Maple St. Graham, NC 27253.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the VA Regional Office, 251 N. Main St., Winston Salem, NC 27155.
Alamance County will kick-off the 2020 Spring County Government Academy on Tuesday, March 10th , 2020. The County Government Academy gives participants a behind the scenes look at the county’s responsibilities and the vital role that county government plays in the community. Join us in learning how your tax dollars are spent!
The academy will run for 10 consecutive Tuesdays from 6:00-8:30pm (the County Landfill & Airport tour sessions will start at 3:00pm-5:00pm) at various county departments starting on March 10 th and concluding on May 12th . March 10th – Orientation, Clerk to the Board, County Manager, & Group Exercise March 17th – Sheriff’s Office, CSI/CSI Exercise March 24th –GIS, Environmental Health, Public Health, Department of Social Services March 31th –Burlington-Alamance Airport Tour (3:00-5:00pm)
April 7th – Textile Heritage Museum, Inspections, Recreation & Parks, Library, Information Technology
April 14th –Register of Deeds, Veteran Services, Planning, Tax Administration
April 21rd – Emergency Management, Central Communications (Part 1)
April 28th – Fire Marshal, Emergency Medical Services (Part 2)
May 5th –Cooperative Extension, Soil & Water Conservation, Food Sciences Cooking Demo
May 12th – Solid Waste Management (3:00-5:00pm)*
June 15th – Meet & Greet w/ County Commissioners followed by Graduation/Recognition
Class size is limited and academy slots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participants are asked to commit to attending every session.
The Register of Deeds has worked with Logan Systems to set up a website to allow property owners in Alamance County to be notified by e-mail if a document is recorded in the Register of Deeds office that includes the name of the property owner. This document could be a deed that changes the ownership of the property. It could also be a deed of trust related to a mortgage that uses the property as security for a loan. There are also additional instruments that can be filed in the office related to your property.
The Register of Deeds is providing this service to assist the property owners in the County. Registration for this site is free. Please let your family and friends know that they can also sign up for the site. The Register of Deeds hopes that the existence of this site is a deterrent for future fraud and a tool that can mitigate the damage caused by fraud if it does occur.
Proposed Granite-Cora-Holt Mills Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination, Haw River, Alamance County AM2657
• Stone St. (Parcel #s 153242, 153234, and 171204)
• 115 Stone St. (Parcel # 153248)
• 205 Stone St. (Parcel # 153233)
The Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on this nomination on February 3, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the Alamance County Commissioners’ Meeting Room at 124 W. Elm St, Graham. At this meeting the Alamance County Board of Commission will consider public comments and make a decision.
The agenda and nomination packet are available to view on the Alamance
County Board of Commissioners’ website: https://www.alamance-nc.com/commissioners/
If you are unable to attend or have further questions about the nomination, please contact the Alamance County Planning Department at 336-570-4053.
The Inspections, Planning, and Veterans Services Offices will be closed until 2:00 PM Tuesday, February 4, 2020 due to a scheduled power outage. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We look forward to serving you after 2:00 PM 02/04/2020.
State Board Reminds Voters That Photo ID Is Not Required for 2020 Primary Election
RALEIGH, N.C. – With the 2020 primary election quickly approaching, the State Board of Elections is mailing a postcard (attached) to every residential household in the state – about 4.7 million in all – reminding voters that photo ID is notrequired for the 2020 primary election.
In a December 31 order, a federal district court blocked North Carolina’s voter photo ID requirement from taking effect. The order will remain in place until further order of the court.
“We know these changes can be confusing for voters, and we wanted to make sure all voters have the latest information about the primary election,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “This mailing also provides important election dates for voters to add to their calendars.”
The following are upcoming dates for voters to remember:
February 7: Regular voter registration deadline (last day to change party affiliation for March primary)
February 13-29: In-person early voting period. Voters may register and vote at the same time.
February 25: Deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail
March 3: Primary Election Day (Polls are open statewide from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
Previously, Executive Director Brinson Bell appeared in a video reminding voters that photo ID is not required in March. To view the video and for more information, visit VoterID.NCSBE.gov.
The PTRC Area Agency on Aging is conducting a survey to gather input on services for older and disabled adults. We need everyone to participate across all age groups and community groups! To participate, please visit their website.
As the turning of the seasons brings colder weather to North Carolina and families close windows to keep warm, it is an excellent time to make plans for radon testing in your home.
Radon is a natural result of uranium decaying in our rock and soil. Radon is undetectable without radon testing. Radon has no smell and is a colorless naturally occurring radioactive element. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers and is responsible for more than 20,000 deaths annually in the United States.
On December 16, 2019, the Alamance County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution, presented by Phillip Gibson, the NC Radon Program Coordinator, proclaiming January as National Radon Action Month. Each year upwards to 21,000 people die from radon-induced lung cancer. In 2015, lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths in N.C.
The NC Radon Program will be providing 3,000 free radon test kits through their website (www.ncradon.org) beginning the first week of January 2020. They are also working with the NC Cooperative Extension Service and a number of other partners in providing four free webinars on radon during National Radon Action Month.
Nearly one out of every 15 homes in the U.S. is likely to have a high level of radon. There have been homes in all 100 counties of N.C. that have tested at high levels for radon. The only way to know if your home has a radon problem is to test it. Please call the Alamance County Health Department’s Environmental Health Section at 336-570-6367 ext. 310 if you have questions.
State Board Releases Video Informing Voters that Photo ID Will Not Be Required in March 2020 Primary
RALEIGH, N.C. – The State Board of Elections on Monday released a video of Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell informing North Carolina voters that they will not be required to show photo ID for the March 2020 primary election.
The primary is March 3. In-person early voting begins February 13. Absentee by-mail ballots are scheduled to go out beginning January 13.
A federal judge in Winston-Salem on December 31, 2019, granted a preliminary injunction that will block North Carolina’s voter photo ID requirement from taking effect. It will remain in place until further order of the court.
State Board staff produced the video and are developing additional materials to inform voters that photo ID is not required to vote in the March primary.
The State Board has updated its website, NCSBE.gov, to reflect the changes, and will post information repeatedly on its social media accounts through March 3. The agency also will create a poster to be displayed in county board offices and at all early voting and Election Day polling locations, informing voters that ID is not required for the primary.
Voters with questions may call the photo ID informational hotline at (919) 814-0744.
“The State Board is working diligently to make sure voters are informed that photo ID is not required in the March primary,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections.
Late last week, in a memorandum, the State Board directed the 100 county boards of elections to:
Update their websites with the latest information about the injunction and remove any signs indicating photo ID is required to vote.
Stop issuing free Voter ID cards, effective immediately, to avoid voter confusion.
The State Board will continue to update the public with any developments