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Alamance County Courthouse Buildings Remain Closed to the Public

The Alamance County Courthouse buildings, including the Historic Courthouse (1 SE Court Square, Graham, NC), Alamance County Civil Courts (124 W Elm St, Graham, NC), and the J.B. Allen Courthouse (212 W Elm St, Graham, NC), will remain closed throughout the remainder of this week. Courts will resume normal operating hours on Tuesday, September 8th at 8:00 am.

Due to the positive cases identified at the Alamance County Detention Center, the Alamance County Judicial Leadership Team, in consultation with the Health Department, made the decision to keep the majority of court operations closed throughout the week. This allows additional time for Health Department staff to identify and trace those who were in close contact with anyone who has tested positive.

While Alamance courthouse buildings are closed to the public, the following operations will continue:

  • first appearance hearings and other essential matters involving incarcerated persons
  • that can be handled remotely
  • 50-B complaints with requests for emergency domestic violence protection orders that
  • can be handled remotely
  • remote Juvenile Abuse, Neglect and Dependency court
  • remote hearings previously scheduled before the Clerk of Court

Those who need to file documents can utilize the drop boxes provided by the Clerk’s Office at the J.B. Allen Courthouse and the Historic Courthouse.

If you need assistance, the Clerk’s office will be available by phone during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at (336) 570-5200 or through department emails listed at

Alamance County Health Department Identifies Outbreak at Alamance County Detention Center

BURLINGTON – Alamance County Health Department identified an outbreak at the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center on August 24, 2020. Since the first case was identified, both agencies have been working closely to implement mass testing and additional safety precautions that help protect both inmates and staff. Currently, ninety-nine (99) cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed at the facility. The confirmed cases are among six (6) staff members and ninety-three (93) inmates/detainees. Three (3) staff members are not Alamance County residents and two (2) inmates have been transferred to other facilities, so they will not be included in the Alamance County daily case count; however, these cases will be included in the NC DHHS Congregate Living Settings Surveillance Update. NC DHHS defines an outbreak as two or more laboratory-confirmed cases within a congregate living facility.

“Since March, the Alamance County Detention Center has instituted early screening and testing of inmates and detainees as well as increased sanitation and cleaning of all facilities. With these new positive cases identified, the Sheriff’s Office is committed to aggressively working with our Health Department to protect our staff and those entering our jail. Our staff and medical professionals are implementing more stringent health monitoring, the distribution of masks and hygiene kits, and providing ongoing COVID-19 testing. Our priority continues to be the safety of our staff, inmates, and detainees, and we are doing everything in our power to protect those in our care,” says Sheriff Terry Johnson.

“The Alamance County Health Department and Alamance County Sheriff’s Office Dentition Center began working in close collaboration immediately after the first case was identified in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the facility,” stated Alexandria Rimmer, Interim Health Director. “We are working closely to provide recommendations, case investigation, contact tracing, and testing.”

Alamance County Health Department identified its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on March 20. Since then, a total of 3244 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the community. Of those confirmed cases, 2858 have been released from isolation and 340 remain active and in isolation. Included in those active cases, 15 individuals are receiving care at a hospital. Sadly, there have been 46 COVID-19 related deaths. COVID-related deaths include only patients who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, and who died without fully recovering from the disease.

To contact someone in the Alamance County Detention Center, please visit JailATM at

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Solar Energy System Ordinance

   Please take notice that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 9:00 AM to consider the Solar Energy System Ordinance.

   If you have any questions or concerns about this hearing please contact the Alamance County Planning Department at (336) 570-4053.

   The public hearing will be held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd floor of the Alamance County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham NC 27253.

Public Access – The health and safety of its residents continues to be the highest priority of Alamance County.  Under the Governor’s Executive Order 141 Section 7, governmental operations are exempt from the prohibition on Mass Gatherings.  However, in order to follow the Governor’s Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission, there is no meeting place where members of the public can safely be physically present.  In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:

  1. Our YouTube channel ( will display the live commissioners meeting.
  2. Our Facebook Page ( will have a post to the live commissioners meeting.
  3. There will also be a link on the county home page ( above the banner that will say “Click Here to watch Live Commissioners Meeting.”

Written Public Hearing Comments – Written public hearing comments regarding the Solar Energy System Ordinance may be submitted on or before 9:00 P.M. on September 7, 2020 using any of the following options:     

1. Public comment forms are available on the Alamance County website ( and may be submitted online.

2.  Written comments may be emailed to Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, at

3.  Written comments may be mailed to Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, at Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, County of Alamance, North Carolina 124 W. Elm Street, Graham, North Carolina 27253.

Oral Public Comments – Additionally, persons wishing to submit their public hearing comments orally during the meeting, may do so by telephone.  These persons must provide the Clerk to the Board with their name, address, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message no later than 9:00 P.M. on September 7, 2020.  Then at the appropriate time during the Commissioners’ meeting on September 8th   at 9:00 A.M. the citizen will be called to submit their public hearing comments verbally by phone.  

   If any disabled person has a special request for a hearing interpreter or other assistance, please contact the ADA Coordinator at (336) 228-1312 TDD 570-6326.


Our community is fighting back against the COVID-19 threat by staying home and staying apart. That means protecting ourselves and our neighbors by learning, studying and working from home. Having a reliable internet connection at home is something most of us take for granted, but for many people in our community the lack of a reliable internet connection is putting students and families behind.

We need your help to ensure that everyone in Alamance County has the ability to participate in classes, submit homework or simply fill out job applications online. If you have a space in your business, building or parking lot where you can provide a wireless connection to the public you can be part of the solution. We are creating a map of everywhere that our community can access a reliable internet connection. That may be in a restaurant, a church or simply a designated space in your parking lot.

Will you help us by participating as a Community Connect Partner? Please fill out this short survey. We will contact you with details and help you make your wireless connection available to those in need.

Link to Community Connect Survey:

Thank you for your support of our community!

Alamance County Courthouse Buildings Closed to the Public August 31 and September 1

Effective Monday, August 31st, all Alamance County Courthouse buildings, including the Historic Courthouse (1 SE Court Square, Graham, NC), Alamance County Civil Courts (124 W Elm St, Graham, NC), and the J.B. Allen Courthouse (212 W Elm St, Graham, NC) will be closed to the public.

Buildings will remain closed Monday, August 31st and Tuesday, September 1st. This decision was made in order to protect both court staff and visitors while the Alamance County Health Department collects information and provides case investigations for current COVID-19 active cases.

All matters scheduled to be heard on Monday, August 31st and Tuesday, September 1st are postponed. If you need assistance, the Clerk’s office will be available by phone during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at (336) 570-5200 or through department emails listed at

Alamance County Implements Facility Use Policy for Historic Courthouse

Alamance County Government will begin implementing the Facility Use Policy for the Historic Courthouse at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 21, 2020. These guidelines were developed to further support and encourage the free expression of ideas within a safe and protected environment.

Due to the location of the Historic Courthouse and the logistical multi-agency challenges it represents, a permitting process is now required for large, organized gatherings. The permit will allow groups to reserve space on the Historic Courthouse grounds exclusively for their use. This process will guarantee the organized gathering will have priority and access to the areas surrounding the courthouse while allowing time for government agencies to plan and coordinate a strategy to ensure the freedom of expression of those attending.

While large, organized gatherings require notice to the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office, small, spontaneous gatherings do not require a permit. However, without a permit, a gathering will not have exclusive rights to use the Historic Courthouse grounds.

Alamance County Government and the Alamance Sheriff’s Office are committed to supporting and protecting the rights of freedom of expression for all, and the Facility Use Policy for the Historic Courthouse will provide a safe space to exercise those rights.

To view the Facility Use Policy for the Historic Courthouse or the Facility Reservation Permit Application please visit


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 17, 2020 at 7 p.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253. 

The health and safety of its residents continues to be the highest priority of Alamance County.  Under the Governor’s Executive Order 141 Section 7, governmental operations are exempt from the prohibition on Mass Gatherings.  In recognition of the Governor’s Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission, there will be limited seating available.   Seating will be limited to 20 members of the public. Residents who sign up to speak in-person ahead of time will be given priority seating.  In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:

Public Comments – On Sunday, August 16th from 12pm to 9pm citizens are encouraged to submit or register for public comments for the August 17th  7 p.m. County Commissioners’ meeting by two optional ways (Please click here  to review the Public Comment Policy): 

  1. A public comment form will be available on the Alamance County website for any persons wishing to submit written comments prior to the start of the meeting.  These written comments will be entered into the record and minutes at the August 17th Regular Meeting.; or
  • Persons wishing to participate in public comments by telephone must provide the Clerk to the Board with their name, address, topic to be discussed, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message.  Then at the appropriate time during the Commissioners’ meeting on August 17th at 7 p.m. the citizen will be called to submit their comments verbally by phone. 

All County policies regarding the 3-minute limit per comment and number of public comments in the 30-minute period will apply.  A copy of this Notice shall be posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Commissioners’ Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building.  A copy of the Notice shall be sent to all parties who have requested and receives notification of any changes in the Commissioners’ Regular Meeting schedule.

This 12th day of August 2020.

Amy Scott Galey, Chair

Alamance County Board of Commissioners

Alamance County and Alamance County Court System Implements Basic COVID-19 Health Screenings for all Visitors

Alamance County Government and the Alamance County Court System will
implement basic COVID-19 health screenings for all visitors entering any Alamance courthouse facility beginning Monday, August 10 at 8:00 a.m.

Entry screening is one additional public health measure that Alamance County Government can use to help protect visitors and staff from spreading the novel coronavirus. Along with answering basic health screening questions, visitors will have their temperatures taken and will be given a mask (if needed) upon entering the Historic Courthouse (1 SE Court Square, Graham, NC), Alamance Civil Courts (124 W Elm St, Graham, NC), and the J.B. Allen Courthouse (212 W Elm St, Graham, NC). All visitors are also asked to observe social distancing by keeping at least six feet between themselves and others.

Utilizing guidance received from our local public health department, Alamance County Government and the Alamance County Judicial System will continue to take proactive preparedness precautions in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please visit to view the screening questions.

2020 Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program Application Sign up

The Alamance County Voluntary Agricultural District Board (AVAD) will be accepting applications for the Purchase of Development Rights, Alamance County Farmland Preservation Program Sept.1st – Sept. 30, 2020. The applications can be picked up or emailed from the Alamance Soil and Water Office starting September 1st, 2020.

Applications must be returned to the Alamance SWCD Office at 209 N Graham Hopedale Road, Burlington, NC 27217, beginning Sept. 1st with a deadline of Sept. 30, 2020 @ 5:00PM.

The NC Dept. of Agriculture and Community Services Farmland Preservation Trust Fund anticipates having funding statewide to fund applications in the 2020-2021 cycle. The Alamance County VAD Board will select the top applicants from the applications received based on the ranking system. North Carolina leads the Southeast in lost farmland and Family farms. This funding is made available to encourage Farmland Preservation and protection.

If you have any questions about the program or to request an application, please contact the Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District Office @ 336-290-0380.

Brad Moore, Alamance Soil and Water Conservation District Administrator

Farmland Preservation
Purchase of Development Rights
Applications Will Be Accepted
Sept. 1st thru Sept. 30th
Entry deadline is Sept. 30, 2020