The 2020 Alamance County Veterans Day Parade scheduled for
November 14th has been cancelled due to concerns related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“While we will miss the opportunity to celebrate and thank our veterans. The Veterans Day Parade Committee made this decision to protect the safety of our veterans and community,” stated Tammy Crawford, Veterans Services Director for Alamance County.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 2, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.
The health and safety of its residents continues to be the highest priority of Alamance County. Under the Governor’s Executive Order 141 Section 7, governmental operations are exempt from the prohibition on Mass Gatherings. In recognition of the Governor’s Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission, there will be no meeting place where members of the public can be physically present. In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:
There will also be a link on the county home page ( above the banner that will say “Click Here to watch Live Commissioners Meeting”
A public comment form will be available on the Alamance County website for any persons wishing to submit written comments prior to the start of the meeting. These written comments will be entered into the record and minutes at the November 2nd Regular Meeting; or
Persons wishing to participate in public comments by telephone must provide the Clerk to the Board with their name, address, topic to be discussed, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message. Then at the appropriate time during the Commissioners’ meeting on November 2nd at 9:00 a.m. the citizen will be called to submit their comments verbally by phone.
All County policies regarding the 3-minute limit per comment and number of public comments in the 30-minute period will apply. A copy of this Notice shall be posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Commissioners’ Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building. A copy of the Notice shall be sent to all parties who have requested and receives notification of any changes in the Commissioners’ Regular Meeting schedule.
Phone Service has been restored to the Alamance County Government buildings located on the North Campus in Burlington. These buildings include the Human Services Center, Family Justice Center, Agriculture Extension, and Environmental Health.
The Alamance County Government buildings located on the North Campus in Burlington are currently experiencing phone outages. These buildings include the Human Services Center, Family Justice Center, Agriculture Extension, and Environmental Health. AT&T is aware of the issue and working to restore service.
Email and websites remain active and available to the public.
The Board of Health is pleased to announce that we have offered the position of Health Director to Tony Lo Giudice and he has accepted. His effective start date is Monday, November 30, 2020. Over the previous three-month period, the Board of Health appointed search committee reviewed numerous applications, conducted several interviews and second-round interviews with top candidates.
The Board of Health took this responsibility seriously and spent many hours reviewing applications and interviewing candidates. “We are excited to announce a new Health Director, Tony Lo Giudice, who exhibits strong leadership, commitment and passion for improving the human condition in Alamance County. Lo Giudice rose to the top during our search process for his extensive knowledge and understanding of the current public health challenges we face today” states Board of Health chair Dr. Annette Wilson.
Lo Giudice will be vacating his position at Forsyth County Department of Public Health, where he has served as an Assistant Health Director since January 2017. Prior to moving to North Carolina in 2017, he served in various capacities in city government in Mesa, Arizona, most recently Community Health Program Director. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Government with an emphasis in Law & Public Policy from Regent University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Arizona State University; he is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Public Administration from Capella University. Mr. Lo Giudice served and was honorably discharged from the United States Navy.
Alexandria Rimmer has been serving as interim Health Director since July 31, 2020. “I am grateful I was able to serve our community as a leader during this time as Interim Health Director and I am very excited to work with our new Health Director both during the transition and in the future as I return to the Environmental Health section of the health department. We will work together to ensure there is a smooth transition for staff, stakeholders and the community.”
“I am honored to be selected as the next Health Director. I look forward to joining the health department team and continuing to lead Alamance County on the path towards optimum health and well-being” said Lo Giudice.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7 p.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.
The health and safety of its residents continues to be the highest priority of Alamance County. Under the Governor’s Executive Order 141 Section 7, governmental operations are exempt from the prohibition on Mass Gatherings. In recognition of the Governor’s Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission, there will be limited seating available. Seating will be limited to 20 members of the public. Residents who sign up to speak in-person ahead of time will be given priority seating. In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:
There will also be a link on the county home page ( above the banner that will say “Click Here to watch Live Commissioners Meeting”
A public comment form will be available on the Alamance County website for any persons wishing to submit written comments prior to the start of the meeting. These written comments will be entered into the record and minutes at the October 19th Regular Meeting.; or
Persons wishing to participate in public comments by telephone must provide the Clerk to the Board with their name, address, topic to be discussed, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message. Then at the appropriate time during the Commissioners’ meeting on October 19th at 7:00 pm the citizen will be called to submit their comments verbally by phone.
All County policies regarding the 3-minute limit per comment and number of public comments in the 30-minute period will apply. A copy of this Notice shall be posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Commissioners’ Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building. A copy of the Notice shall be sent to all parties who have requested and receives notification of any changes in the Commissioners’ Regular Meeting schedule.
Due to expiring terms, the Alamance County Planning Board is seeking new members.
The Board generally meets once a month on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Members serve for a 3 year term starting January 1st. Board members are required to have regular attendance at meetings.
We are accepting application for members in Burlington Township, Faucette Township, Melville Township, Newlin Township and Morton Township at this time. If you would like to know what Township you reside in, please contact the Planning Department for assistance.
If you are interested in applying, please use the following link to fill out the Planning Board application online, email or mail to the planning department.
Notice is hereby given that the County of Alamance will conduct a public hearing on Monday, October 19 at 7:00 PM, or as soon thereafter as the agenda will allow, at the Alamance County Office Building located at 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253, relative to the intention of the County of Alamance to apply for FY2021 CDBG-CV funding under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act.
Public Access – The health and safety of its residents continues to be the highest priority of Alamance County. Under the Governor’s Executive Order 141 Section 7, governmental operations are exempt from the prohibition on Mass Gatherings. However, in order to follow the Governor’s Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission, there will be limited seating available. In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following three (3) ways:
There will also be a link on the county home page ( above the banner that will say “Click Here to watch Live Commissioners Meeting.”
This is the second public hearing for this CDBG-CV application, the first public hearing was held on Monday, September 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
The County of Alamance intends to submit an application for a grant of approximately nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000.00) in CDBG Cornavirus (CV) funds to purchase a medical trailer for the Alamance County Health Department and provide public services of providing rental, utility, and daycare assistance for Low and Moderate Income (LMI) individuals residing outside of the City of Burlington corporate limits.
The following is a tentative list of proposed activities and an estimated budget. A draft application will be reviewed at the public hearing.
Administration Budget
Medical Trailer & Supplies Budget
Medical Training Budget
Pubic Services Budget
The proposed projects will provide benefits to resident served by the County of Alamance, 41.12% of whom are low and moderate income individuals based on the estimates of North Carolina low and moderate income individuals by County based on the 2011-2015 American Community Survey, which is available from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. No individuals will be displaced nor will any require temporary relocation assistance as a result of the proposed project. All direct services related to this project will benefit 100% low and moderate income individuals.
Citizens will be given the opportunity to provide oral and written comment on the County of Alamance’s past and proposed use of CDBG funds at the public hearing. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend.
Applications for assistance will be made available at the meeting and attendees are encouraged to take and complete on their own behalf or to provide to another low income homeowner to request assistance. Applications will be reviewed to determine eligibility for the CDBG-CV program and the Housing Selection committee as well as for other available PTRC Housing Services Programs (Weatherization and NCHFA Rehabilitation).
If additional information is needed, please contact the Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board. Formal written complaints or comments concerning the application process that are submitted to the County of Alamance prior to or following the public hearing will be responded to within ten (10) working days by County staff. A copy of the completed project application will be available for public review after October 17, 2020, at the County of Alamance Offices (124 W Elm St, Graham, NC 27253) or online at
Written Public Hearing Comments –Written public hearing comments regarding the NC Community Development Block Grant Program may be submitted on or before 9:00 P.M. on October 18, 2020 using any of the following options:
Public hearing comment forms are available on the Alamance County website ( and may be submitted online.
Public hearing written comments maybe emailed to Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, at
Written public hearing comments may be mailed to Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, at Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board, County of Alamance, North Carolina 124 W. Elm Street, Graham, North Carolina 27253.
Oral Public Comments – Additionally, persons wishing to submit their public hearing comments orally during the meeting, may do so by telephone. These persons must provide the Clerk to the Board with their name, address, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message no later than 9:00 PM on October 18, 2020. Then at the appropriate time during the Commissioners’ meeting on October 19 that 7:00 PM the citizen will be called to submit their public hearing comments verbally by phone.
If any disabled person has a special request for a hearing interpreter or other assistance, please contact the ADA Coordinator at (336) 228-1312 TDD 570-6326. Accommodations will be made for all who request assistance with participating in the public hearing.
This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact Tory Frink at 336-290-0403 or at 124 W. Elm Street Graham NC, 27253 for accommodations for this request.
Esta información está disponible en español o en cualquier otro idioma bajo petición. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Tory Frink al 336-290-0403 o en 124 W. Elm Street Graham NC, 27253 de alojamiento para esta solicitud.
Flu season is upon us and the Alamance County Health Department wants you to protect yourself and your family. Monday, October 12, the health department will begin offering seasonal flu shots to the public.
This year, the health department will be providing the following vaccine options to the public:
Quadrivalent flu vaccine injection which covers four strains of influenza
Flublok flu vaccine injection which is recommended for people with egg allergies that are ages 18 years and older
High Dose Trivalent vaccine which covers three strains and is recommended for people over 65 years
The vaccine is available while supplies last. One shot is all most people will need. Children under age 9, who have not previously been vaccinated against the flu, may need two doses.
The cost of the Quadrivalent vaccine is $41.00. The cost of the Flublok and High Dose Trivalent is $71.00. Uninsured children less than 19 years old are eligible for free vaccine. Insured children less than 19 years old whose insurance does not cover the cost of a flu shot may be eligible for free flu vaccine, pending certain qualifications.
The health department can bill Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurances. The flu vaccine will be available by appointment only at the following times:
Monday – Friday (excluding holidays)
8:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Increase your chances of keeping the flu away by getting the vaccine. Also, remember to wash your hands often, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home if you are sick to help stop the spread of illness. For an appointment or more information, call the health department at 336-570-6459.
Join us for a beautiful Trail Run along the banks of the Haw River to benefit Special Olympics of Alamance County. The Haw River Trail Run is back and will be conducted virtually this year! The race is open now and can be completed any time through October 24, 2020, at midnight. The top three men and women will be recognized by October 30, 2020. The race will include a 5K and an 8-mile race and you can complete it at any location. Mark a place on your calendar for this exciting event benefiting an outstanding organization!
For more information, and to register, please visit the link below or call 336-570-6760.
SOAC serves 400 adult and youth athletes with developmental disabilities and provides year-round athletic competition in 13 sports. Participants are provided the opportunity to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, and experience joy at all levels – all at no cost.