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The Alamance County Landfill will be holding a free Hazardous Household Waste collection event on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Burlington Fire Training Facility at 100 Stone Quarry Road in Haw River. The event is for household-generated waste only. No commercial or business waste will be accepted.

Accepted types of hazardous waste include latex & oil-based paint and spray paint; household cleaners, drain openers, toilet bowl cleaners, oven cleaners, disinfectants; solvents, thinners, shellacs, varnishes, sealers, wood preservatives; automotive products including brake fluid, antifreeze, used motor oil (up to 5-gal per resident), filters, gasoline; pesticides & insecticides including poisons, aerosols, weed killers; and miscellaneous materials such as acids, bases, kerosene, batteries, photographic chemicals, pool chemicals, mercury, fluorescent tubes.

The event will also collect propane cylinders, but they must be camp and grill size. No other gas cylinders will be accepted. Other household materials not accepted include explosives and ammunition; medical waste; electronics, TVs, and computers; and radioactives such as smoke detectors.
This free event is sponsored by the Alamance County Landfill. Co-sponsors are Cooperative Extension Service and NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program.

For further information, please call the Alamance County Landfill at (336) 376-0411.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. through, Thursday, April 14, 2022, in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.

The purpose of this meeting is to hear the fiscal year 2022-23 budget requests from county departments, Alamance-Burlington School System, and Alamance Community College.
This 8th day of April 2022.

Tory Frink, Clerk to the Board
Alamance County Board of Commissioners

Justice Advisory Council Vacancy

Justice Advisory Council

The Alamance County Board of Commissioners is seeking an individual to fill an unexpired term on the Alamance County Justice Advisory Council. This person will serve as the representative of the “Consumer with lived mental health experience in long term recovery, NAMI representative or Community Advocate.”

Meeting Times: 1st Tuesday of each month from 8 am-9:30 am

Meeting Place: Family Justice Center Training Room @ 1950 Martin Street, Burlington NC 27217

Length of Terms: “at large” seats are staggered 2- year or 3- year terms

Contact Person:  Linda Allison, Stepping Up Project Coordinator, Alamance County Sheriff’s Office

Contact Phone:  (336) 290-0396

Purpose:  The purpose of the Justice Advisory Council is to provide advisory oversight for the criminal justice continuum in a comprehensive, community-based, and cross-discipline approach.  The council is made up of 25 voting members—six of which are members “at large” appointed by the county board of commissioners. These six-member “ at large” positions represent:  1) Local Defense Attorney 2) Faith-Based Organization Representative 3) Consumer with lived mental health experience in long term recovery, NAMI representative or Community Advocate 4) Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence or Human Trafficking Survivor, family member or Community Advocate ( at least 5 years removed from crisis services) 5) Local Psychiatrist and 6) Former Justice-Involved Community Representative ( 5 years with no arrest or indictment).

First Rabies Case of 2022 Confirmed in Alamance County

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Arlinda Ellison
March 23, 2022 Office: (336) 229-3665

On March 21, the North Carolina State Lab of Public Health in Raleigh confirmed Alamance County’s first case of rabies for the year.

On March 18, Burlington Animal Services was notified of a human exposure to a raccoon that occurred earlier in the N. Park Avenue area of Burlington. The raccoon was sent to the North Carolina State Lab for rabies testing where it was found to be positive.

The human exposure identified by the Health Department was recommended for immediate post-exposure treatment. There were also six to eight feral cats identified as coming in contact with the raccoon. Because the cats had been previously vaccinated, they will receive booster vaccinations. All appropriate vaccination and quarantine laws are being followed by the Health Department in cooperation with Burlington Animal Services.

Because this is a feral community and all animals may not have been identified, it is recommended that any outside animals be checked and monitored for bite wounds, and receive a rabies booster vaccination if previously vaccinated or if exposure to the raccoon is in question.

If you live in this area and are concerned about possible exposure, please contact the Burlington Animal Services at 336-578-0343 or the On-Call Communicable Disease Nurse at 336-516-7715.
It is North Carolina law that cats and dogs be vaccinated against rabies. The first vaccination should occur when the dog or cat is no more than 4 months of age; the second vaccination is required no more than a year later and then again every three years. If you are bitten by any animal:

  • Wash the wound with soap and running water for ten (10) minutes and seek medical attention immediately.
  • Write down the location of the animal and a description of the animal to provide to animal control. If the animal is someone’s pet, also get the owner’s name and address. Give this information to animal control or the health department.
  • Do not try to catch any wild or stray animal

Last year, Alamance County had four confirmed animal cases of rabies. For more information or questions about rabies control and vaccinations requirements, contact the Health Department’s Environmental Health office at (336) 570-6367.

Change in COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Hours

WHAT- COVID-19 vaccination clinic will operate Mondays 8 am to 5 pm and Fridays 8:30 am to 5:30 pm ONLY

DATE- Beginning Monday, March 14, 2022

LOCATION- Alamance County Health Department, Enter at 1913 McKinney Street

To make an appointment, please call 336-290-0650 or go to Vaccinations are available for ages 5 and older.

Public Notice of Special Meeting for February 23-24, 2022

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. through Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 133 E. Davis St, Burlington, NC 27215. 

The purpose of the meeting is to convene a closed session pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11 (a)(6) to conduct interviews.

This 21st day of February 2022.

Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board
Alamance County Board of Commissioners

Special Meeting Notice

NOTICE is hereby given that the Alamance County Animal Control Review Board will convene on February 17th at 2 PM in the Alamance County  Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Alamance County Office Building located at  124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.

The purpose of the meeting is to hear appeals to animal control ordinance violations.

Alamance County ETJ Member Vacancy

Alamance County ETJ Member Vacancy- Graham Planning Board ETJ Member & Graham Board of Adjustment ETJ Member

Alamance County is requesting interested residents in the Alamance County extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to apply for an open position on the Graham Planning Board and the Graham Board of Adjustment. The successful candidate will serve on both boards as the ETJ member through June 30, 2023.

The Alamance County ETJ position will be appointed by the Alamance County Board of Commissioners. Interested residents may apply online at the county’s website