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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253. 

In order to comply with the Governor’s Executive Order 121, which places limits on mass gatherings to 10 persons, there is no meeting place where members of the public can be physically present.  In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:

Public Comments – On Sunday April 19th from 12pm to 9pm the citizens are encouraged to submit or register for public comments for the April 20th 7pm County Commissioner meeting by two optional ways: 

  1. A public comment form will be available on the Alamance County website for any persons wishing to submit written comments prior to the start of the meeting.  These written comments will be entered into the record and minutes at the April 20th Regular Meeting. ; or
  • Persons wishing to participate in public comments by telephone must provide the Clerk with their name, address, topic to be discussed, and telephone number by calling 336-290-0403 and leaving a message.  Then at the appropriate time during Commissioner meeting on April 20th at 7pm the citizen will be called to submit their comments verbally by phone. 

All County policies regarding the 3 minute limit per comment and number of public comments in the 30 minute period will apply.  A copy of this Notice shall be posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Commissioners’ Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building.  A copy of the Notice shall be sent to all parties who have requested and receive notification of any changes in the Commissioners’ Regular Meeting schedule.

This 16th day of April 2020.

Amy Scott Galey, Chair

Alamance County Board of Commissioners

Update on Alamance County COVID-19 Case Count

BURLINGTON – The NC DHHS COVID-19 case count map is reporting an unusually high increase in COVID-19 cases on April 13. This increase is due to a large batch of LabCorp test results with no addresses listed. Because LabCorp is headquartered in Alamance County, when they have positive communicable disease test results with no address listed, the results default to Burlington because of the location of LabCorp and are then reported by default to the Alamance County Health Department. The Health Department has notified partners at Labcorp, they have identified that the results are for another state and are working to reassign those results to the proper jurisdiction. This may take some time. We apologize for any concern or distress this may cause the public.

Alamance County’s current case count this morning is 39. Twenty-one (21) of these confirmed cases have been released from isolation by the Health Department. Of the remaining 18 active cases, 3 are receiving care in a hospital.

Thank you all for your continued support and commitment to protecting yourselves and others. We can’t do this work without you!

Alamance County Impact Due to Tornado

The area that was impacted due to tornado damage from earlier this morning (4-13-20) includes the following: 7300 Block Lindley Mill Road, 6800 Block South Highway 87, the Braxton Sawmill area, Whitney Road, and Stockard Road.

Residents are urged to stay away from all impacted areas as first responders are working to secure these locations.

In case of emergency or to report downed power lines, please dial 911. Please report power outages to your local power provider.

Alamance County will continue to provide updates as new information is received.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.

In order to comply with the Governor’s Executive Order 121, which places limits on mass gatherings to 10 persons, there is no meeting place where members of the public can be physically present. In order to ensure the health and safety of the Board, staff and general public, access to the regular meeting is available in the following 3 ways:

There will be no public comment periods at the April 6th meeting. However, a public comment period process will be in place for the April 20th regular meeting. A copy of this notice shall be posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Commissioners’ Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor of the County Office Building. A copy of the notice shall be sent to all who received notification of any changes in the Commissioners’ regular meeting schedule.

This 2nd day of April 2020.

Century Link Mobility Outages May Affect Calls to Alamance 911 Center

Please be advised that Century Link is experiencing mobility network service outages due to downed phone lines. This may affect 911 service in Mebane.

Century Link is currently unable to give estimates for time of repair, but staff are working to restore service as quickly as possible.

In case of emergency, please continue to dial 911 first. If your call does not go through, please dial (336) 570-6777.

Alamance County will continue to provide updates as new information is received.

State Board, DMV Partner to Expand Online Voter Registration Service

Raleigh, N.C. – The State Board of Elections and N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles have launched a service to allow NCDMV customers to apply to register to vote or update existing voter registration information online.

This is a standalone service that does not require the user to complete a NCDMV transaction, such as a license renewal or duplicate, at the same time.

The free service comes at a time when many county boards of elections have limited access or are closed to the public, and while residents are being asked to stay home because of the spread of COVID-19.

Existing NCDMV customers with a North Carolina driver’s license or NCDMV-issued ID may apply to register to vote or update voter address or political party information through the NCDMV Voter Registration web page. The application currently does not allow voters to change their name.

All voter registration services are free.

“We’re excited for this new service. It’s another way we can help North Carolina voters while we practice social distancing,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections.

“The NCDMV already offered online voter registration services to customers completing  transactions,” said NCDMV Commissioner Torre Jessup. “It made sense to collaborate with the State Board of Elections to now offer that same process without requiring a transaction so we could provide a valuable and convenient service for North Carolinians.”     

Individuals using the online process will authorize the signature NCDMV has on file for them to be affixed to their voter registration application. 

NCDMV’s vendor, PayIt, is hosting the service. A link to the voter registration service also is available through the State Board of Elections’ website here:

County boards of elections will continue to confirm the eligibility of online registrants through standard procedures, including verification mailings.

Eligible North Carolina residents who are not NCDMV customers must still fill out a paper voter registration form and return it to their county board of elections to register to vote or make changes to their voter registration.

To check your N.C. voter registration, go here:

State of Emergency Amended for Alamance County

Amy Scott Galey, Chair of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners, signed an amended local State of Emergency for Alamance County effective Sunday, March 29, 2020, at 10am.

The amended State of Emergency states for-profit racetracks in Alamance County per Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order #121 are not considered essential businesses and are subject to the limitation to mass gatherings of no more than ten (10) persons and shall close effective 10:00 am on March 30, 2020 for 30 days.

For general Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions or information regarding the County’s response, please call the County COVID-19 Call Center at 336-290-0361 which is open from 8am to 7pm. For updated COVID-19 Alamance County program or event cancellations or changes, please visit

For the most current state and national information or recommendations regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at or the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services website at

Alamance Department of Social Services Updates / Actualizaciones del Departamento de Servicios Sociales del condado de Alamance

In an effort to keep the community safe from the COVID-19 outbreak, the Department of Social Services has implemented procedures to promote social distancing.

Economic Services will no longer conduct face-to-face contact with customers but will continue to accept applications for Food and Nutrition (Food Stamps), Medicaid, and Work First benefits. Applications can be completed online at or by phone at 336-570-6532. Paper applications will continue to be available at the agency or can be mailed per customer request.

Completed applications can be returned to the Department of Social Services:

  • Secured dropbox: Located at the main entrance of Social Services
  • Mail: 319 N. Graham Hopedale Road Suite C, Burlington, NC 27217
  • Email:
  • Fax: 336-290-8651

If you have questions regarding current benefits or wish to speak with a caseworker, please contact the agency at 336-570-6532. Changes can be reported by phone or online at

EBT Cards and mail pick up will be available between the hours of 8 am to 10 am, Monday – Friday, at the ground floor lobby.

For updated COVID-19 Alamance County program or event cancellations or changes, please visit The County COVID-19 Call Center is also available daily 8 am to 7 pm. Residents and organizations are encouraged to call 336-290- 0361 for general Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions or information regarding the County’s response.

En un esfuerzo por mantener a nuestra comunidad a salvo de la epidemia del COVID-19 (Coronavirus), nuestra agencia implementó procedimientos para promover el distanciamiento social.

Los Servicios Económicos ya no realizará transacciones en persona con nuestros clientes. Continuaremos aceptando solicitudes de beneficios de Alimentos y Nutrición (estampillas para Alimentos), Medicaid y Work First. Las solicitudes se pueden completar en línea en o por teléfono al 336-570-6532. Los
formularios en papel continuarán estando disponibles en nuestra agencia local o pueden ser enviados por correo si lo solicita el cliente.

Los formularios completados pueden ser devueltas a nuestra agencia por:

  • La caja asegurada ubicada en la entrada principal del edificio de los Servicios Sociales
  • Enviar por correo a 319 N. Graham Hopedale Road Suite C Burlington, NC 27217.
  • Email (correo electrónico)
  • Fax al 336-290-8651

Si tienen preguntas sobre sus beneficios actuales o desea hablar con su agente social, comuníquese con nuestra agencia al 336-570-6532. Si tienen algún cambio que informar, los cambios se pueden informar por teléfono o en línea en