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Please take notice that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners acting as the Alamance County Board of Adjustment will hold a quasi-judicial hearing, pursuant to Section 3.4 of the Alamance County Unified Development Ordinance, on Monday, December 20, 2021, at 6:00 PM to consider the following: an evidentiary hearing on the application for a waiver of the Alamance County Unified Development Ordinance Section 6.9.4 Minimum Design Standards. The applicant requests a waiver of this ordinance in order to reduce the side set-back limit of 10 feet to 7 feet to allow for an addition to his home. The waiver request is for the property located at 2872 Springfield Court, Elon, North Carolina, 27244 on GPIN: 8847743372.

This evidentiary hearing will be held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room located on the 2nd floor of the Alamance County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, North Carolina 27253.

Landfill to Close for Paving Project

Due to the paving project that includes the Convenience Center and the entrance road, we will be closing the whole facility on Wednesday, December 15th at 1:00pm.  We anticipate reopening on Thursday morning at 7:00am for normal operations.

This closure includes all operations: the landfill, scales, Convenience Center and Recycling Center.

We apologize for any disruption this may cause.  We appreciate your understanding.

Fourth Rabies Case of 2021 Confirmed in Alamance County

On December 7, the North Carolina State Lab of Public Health in Raleigh confirmed Alamance County’s fourth case of rabies for the year.

On December 6, Alamance County Animal Control was notified of a cat bite that occurred on December 4 in the Staley Store Road area of Liberty. Alamance County Animal Control sent the cat to the North Carolina State Lab for rabies testing where it was found to be positive.

The Health Department did identify two human exposures to the animal, and recommended immediate post-exposure treatment. There were other cats identified in this feral cat community. Some have been vaccinated or quarantined, while others may require euthanasia. All appropriate vaccination and quarantine laws are being followed by the Health Department in cooperation with Alamance County Animal Control.

Because this is a large feral community and not all animals have been identified, it is recommended that any outside animals be checked and monitored for bite wounds, and receive a rabies booster vaccination if previously vaccinated or if exposure to the cat is in question.

If you live in this area and are concerned about a possible exposure, please contact the Alamance County Animal Control Department at 336-570-6302 or the On-Call Communicable Disease Nurse at 336-516-7715.

It is North Carolina law that cats and dogs be vaccinated against rabies. The first vaccination should occur when the dog or cat is no more than 4 months of age; the second vaccination is required no more than a year later and then again every three years. If you are bitten by any animal:

  • Wash the wound with soap and running water for ten (10) minutes and seek medical attention immediately.
  • Write down the location of the animal and a description of the animal to provide to animal control. If the animal is someone’s pet, also get the owner’s name and address. Give this information to animal control or the health department.
  • Do not try to catch any wild or stray animal

Last year, Alamance County had three confirmed animal cases of rabies. For more information or questions about rabies control and vaccinations requirements, contact the Health Department’s Environmental Health office at (336) 570-6367.

Burn Ban in Effect

Due to increased fire risk, the N.C. Forest Service has issued a ban on all open burning and has canceled all burning permits statewide effective at 5 p.m. today until further notice.

“It is fall wildfire season in North Carolina, and we are seeing wildfire activity increase due to dry conditions,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “With these ongoing conditions, a statewide burn ban is necessary to reduce the risk of fires starting and spreading quickly. Our top priority is always to protect lives, property and forestland across the state.”

Alamance County Government Job Fair

Alamance County Government will hold a Job Fair/Open House on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, from 10 am-2 pm at the Graham Recreation Center located at 311 College Street, Graham, NC. Departments represented will include Social Services, Detention Center, Sheriff’s Office, Public Health, and Emergency Medical Services. The public is invited to learn more about current job openings in county government in the departments listed.

Notice of Protest Hearing

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the members of the Alamance County Board of Elections will hold a Protest Hearing on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 regarding the Town of Green Level Municipal Election on November 2, 2021.

The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 in the Alamance County Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Alamance County Office Building located at 124 W. Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.

  • All persons who have received this notice shall have the opportunity to introduce evidence. All
    witnesses will be placed under oath before testifying.
  • Upon request by a protester or interested person, the chair or any two members of the county board
    may issue subpoenas, at their discretion, for persons or documents. Such subpoenas shall be served in
    the same matter as allowed in the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure.

In an effort to provide ample notice to those subpoenaed, the BOE asks that all subpoena requests be submitted to Director Holland via email at by 5:00pm on Thursday, November 11, 2021.

County Manager Bryan Hagood to Retire from Alamance County

County Manager Bryan Hagood announced today that he will retire from his position as County Manager at the end of April, 2022 to relocate with his family to western North Carolina. Hagood has worked with Alamance County for 24 years. Hagood began with the county as a part-time summer employee for Recreation and Parks in 1996. After graduating from NC State University, he began fulltime with Recreation and Parks as Program Coordinator in May of 1998. During his tenure, he has advanced to Recreation and Parks Director, Assistant County Manager/Recreation and Parks Director, Assistant County Manager, and became County Manager in March 2017.

Hagood stated, “It’s been a privilege to serve the citizens of Alamance County as part of their county government. I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated the people I have worked with across all county departments and throughout the community. My wife and I are excited about the opportunity for her to further her career at a time that coincides with my eligibility to retire”.  Hagood shared that some of his proudest achievements have been the opportunity to work with passive park property acquisitions and Haw River Trial efforts. Additionally, he is proud of being a part of the Education Capital Funding effort to improve the county.

Alamance County Board of County Commissioners Chair John Paisley stated, “Mr. Hagood has done a wonderful job as County Manager. He has always been proactive about issues that affect the county and the community. The Board of Commissioners has been especially pleased with his efforts to advance the school system, grow Recreation and Parks, support mental health efforts, and manage county government through the uncertainty of a pandemic. While we will certainly miss Bryan, we are excited about his opportunity to relocate to an area that he and his wife have always enjoyed. Due to his planning, leadership, and excellent communication, we feel well prepared as he transitions from the county next year”.

Rabies Vaccination Clinic for Dogs and Cats Planned for November 13

Health officials urge residents to keep their pets up-to-date on rabies vaccinations

BURLINGTON – The Alamance County Health Department will be hosting a drive-thru rabies vaccination clinic on November 13 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Health Department (Human Services Center) located at 319 N. Graham-Hopedale Road in Burlington.

The cost of the rabies shot at the clinic will be $5.00 per pet- cash only. The vaccination clinic will be a drive-thru clinic with all owners staying in their cars. Dogs will be vaccinated in the cars and cats MUST be in carriers that health personnel may take them into the building to be vaccinated.

North Carolina state law states that every owner of a cat or dog over four months of age is required to have the animal vaccinated against rabies.

To date, there have been three confirmed cases of rabies in 2021 for Alamance County. In 2020, there were three confirmed rabies cases in the county. For more information or questions about rabies control, vaccination requirements, or upcoming clinics, contact the health department’s Environmental Health office at (336) 570-6367.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Community Meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Courthouse located at: 1 Court Square, Graham, NC 27253.  The purpose of this Special Community Meeting is to receive public comments on how Alamance County’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Act Funding should be prioritized.

The U.S. Department of Treasury, under ARPA, allocated $362 billion dollars nationwide for the America Rescue Plan – Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Alamance County Board of Commissioners accepted the award of $32,925,136 million at their June 21, 2021 regular meeting. Acceptable uses outlined in the bill include but are not limited to:

  • Respond to or mitigate the public health emergency with respect to the COVID-19 emergency or its negative economic impact;
  • Provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue;
  • Make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure;
  • Respond to workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency

This 3rd day of November 2021.

Health Department Begins Offering Vaccinations for 2021 Flu Season

Flu Shots Now Available to the Public

Flu season is upon us and the Alamance County Health Department wants you to protect yourself and your family. Thursday, October 7, the health department will begin offering appointments for seasonal flu shots to the public.

This year, the health department will be providing the following vaccine options to the public:

  • Quadrivalent flu vaccine injection which covers four strains of influenza
  • Flublok flu vaccine injection which is recommended for people with egg allergies that are ages 18 years and older
  • High Dose Trivalent vaccine which covers three strains and is recommended for people over 65 years

The vaccine is available while supplies last. One shot is all most people will need. Children under age 9, who have not previously been vaccinated against the flu, may need two doses.

The flu shot is available this year at no cost to the public by appointment only at the following times:

Monday – Friday (excluding holidays)

  • o 8:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
  • o 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Increase your chances of keeping the flu away by getting the vaccine. Also, remember to wash your hands often, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home if you are sick to help stop the spread of illness. For an appointment or more information, call the health department at 336-570-6459.