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Ban on All Open Burning

To all Alamance County residents:

Effective at 08:00am hours on 03/21/2025, a burn ban has been issued for all areas of Alamance County due to high danger fire conditions. This ban will be enacted in conjunction with the ban put in place by the NC Forestry Service’s Statewide Burning Ban.

Absolutely no burning should occur within any area of Alamance County, including the City and Town limits of any municipality. This ban includes the use of firepits and natural vegetation fires. This ban also includes the burning of any material within 100 feet of any occupied dwelling.

All burn permits through the NC Forestry Service have been canceled.

Anyone violating this ban faces a fine of $100 and court costs associated per the NC Forestry Service.

This burn ban will remain in place until canceled by the NC Forestry Service.

Thank you,
John Payne
Fire Marshal
Alamance County Fire Marshal’s Office

PTRC-Sponsored Event April 1, 2025: Don’t Get Fooled

Don’t get fooled this April 1

April 1st is all about pranks and jokes, but falling for a scam or making uninformed decisions about your future is no laughing matter!

Join us for an important conversation on:

  • Identifying scams and frauds and how to respond
  • Advanced Health Care Directives Registry
  • Available resources – what you need to know
  • And more

WHEN: April 1, 2025
TIME: 9:30am – 12:00pm
WHERE: Mebane Arts and Community Center
633 Corregidor St, Mebane NC 27302

image shows a senior citizen reading a computer and promotes an event happening April 1 2025 to help identify scams and frauds and how to respond

Verizon Issues Reaching Alamance County 911


Alamance County Government

Contact: Sherry Hook

Please be advised that Verizon and other cell phone carriers that are associated with Verizon and Verizon’s network are having issues getting through to 911 due to extreme static on the line. At this time, the issue is not affecting AT&T. If you are unable to get through to 911 on Verizon service or a phone associated with Verizon please call the Alamance County non-emergency line at 1-336-570-6777. The issues with Verizon are occurring nationally and not just locally.

Alamance County will continue to provide updates as new information regarding operability is received.

Alamance County State of Emergency and Office Closing

At 11:30AM, Alamance County initiatied a Declaration of a State of Emergency for the county. At this time, the declaration is for Alamance County and includes some municipalities including City of Elon. Additionally, all nonemergency county offices will close at 12pm today.

The Alamance County Emergency Operations Center is open and monitoring the situation and deploying assistance as needed.

Public Hearing for Stericycle Air Quality Permit Renewal Set for Aug. 22

RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is accepting public comment and will hold a public hearing on the draft Title V air quality permit for Stericycle, Inc.


Stericycle operates two incinerators for the disposal of hospital, medical and infectious waste at its facility in Haw River, Alamance County. It is seeking renewal of its current Title V air quality permit. The facility is not seeking any major changes or modifications to its existing permit.


The in-person public hearing is scheduled for Aug. 22. Live Spanish interpretation will be available during the public hearing. Public comments will be accepted until Aug. 25.


Public Hearing on Stericycle, Inc. Draft Air Quality Permit

Date and Time: Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023, from 6-8 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.)

Location: Alamance Community College auditorium

Address: 1247 Jimmie Kerr Road, Graham, NC


A system of equipment on each incinerator controls emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter and acid gases including carbon dioxide.


On 17 instances between 2019 and June 2023, Stericycle’s air emissions bypassed its pollution control equipment, allowing this pollution to enter the atmosphere directly. Stericycle entered into a Special Order by Consent with DAQ in December 2022 to resolve multiple violations related to these bypasses. In the consent order, Stericycle agreed to pay a $65,000 penalty and make upgrades to the facility equipment aimed at reducing occurrences of these bypass events. The facility is also operating under the terms of a Bypass Reduction Plan approved by DAQ earlier this year.


The draft permit includes conditions that ensure ambient levels of all pollutants beyond the facility’s fence line comply with federal and state emission standards, including applicable health-based standards. The facility will be subject to recordkeeping and reporting requirements and regular inspections.


Copies of the public notice, draft permit, draft permit review, draft environmental justice report, permit application, consent order, and a one-page project fact sheet are available online.


The public is invited to attend the upcoming hearing and provide comments on the proposed action. Sign-up will be available upon arrival. Oral comments at the hearing should be limited to three minutes or less. (Additional time may be given if an interpreter is used.) Written comments may also be submitted during the hearing.


Comments on the project can also be submitted by email to with the subject line “Stericycle.21A” or by leaving a voice mail at 919-707-8714. Comments can also be mailed to:


NCDEQ Division of Air Quality

1641 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641


The public comment period ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 25, 2023. DAQ will consider all public comments before making a final decision on the proposed permit.


If you need this information in Spanish, Arabic or another language, please call 919-609-2189 or send an email to


Graham, NC – The Alamance County Information Technology (ACIT) department is aware of recently-created internet domain names that could confuse users. These website domain names are not managed or owned by Alamance County, and users should exercise caution.

ACIT advises the public that Alamance County’s official domain is The county provides its web-based services primarily through that domain or with links on the county websites. The county also provides redirected links through,,, and

“It is vital for people to know who they are doing business with. For Alamance County, and are our primary websites and email addresses. We do not use any other domain to contact people,” says Al Combs, interim ACIT director.

ACIT encourages all computer users to follow safe computing practices. Citizens can find more information about safe computing by doing an internet search for “safe computing practices.”

For more information, please contact Al Combs at

First Rabies Case of 2022 Confirmed in Alamance County

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Arlinda Ellison
March 23, 2022 Office: (336) 229-3665

On March 21, the North Carolina State Lab of Public Health in Raleigh confirmed Alamance County’s first case of rabies for the year.

On March 18, Burlington Animal Services was notified of a human exposure to a raccoon that occurred earlier in the N. Park Avenue area of Burlington. The raccoon was sent to the North Carolina State Lab for rabies testing where it was found to be positive.

The human exposure identified by the Health Department was recommended for immediate post-exposure treatment. There were also six to eight feral cats identified as coming in contact with the raccoon. Because the cats had been previously vaccinated, they will receive booster vaccinations. All appropriate vaccination and quarantine laws are being followed by the Health Department in cooperation with Burlington Animal Services.

Because this is a feral community and all animals may not have been identified, it is recommended that any outside animals be checked and monitored for bite wounds, and receive a rabies booster vaccination if previously vaccinated or if exposure to the raccoon is in question.

If you live in this area and are concerned about possible exposure, please contact the Burlington Animal Services at 336-578-0343 or the On-Call Communicable Disease Nurse at 336-516-7715.
It is North Carolina law that cats and dogs be vaccinated against rabies. The first vaccination should occur when the dog or cat is no more than 4 months of age; the second vaccination is required no more than a year later and then again every three years. If you are bitten by any animal:

  • Wash the wound with soap and running water for ten (10) minutes and seek medical attention immediately.
  • Write down the location of the animal and a description of the animal to provide to animal control. If the animal is someone’s pet, also get the owner’s name and address. Give this information to animal control or the health department.
  • Do not try to catch any wild or stray animal

Last year, Alamance County had four confirmed animal cases of rabies. For more information or questions about rabies control and vaccinations requirements, contact the Health Department’s Environmental Health office at (336) 570-6367.

Saturday: Landfill Closed; Libraries, Parks, and Convenience Center Open at 12 PM

Alamance County Parks and Alamance County Public Libraries will be opening at 12 noon tomorrow. If conditions worsen, further updates may be forthcoming.

The landfill will be closed tomorrow and the convenience center will be opening at 12 noon.