2023-2024 Citizens’ Financial Report
Click to View the Alamance County North Carolina Citizens’ Financial Report For 2023-2024
To the residents of Alamance County:
In an effort to provide transparency and accountability to our residents, Alamance County Government presents the 2023-2024 Citizens’ Financial Report. This report is an overview of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report that was prepared in conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and audited by Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs, P.A.. The General Fund accounts for the majority of operations for the County, but differs from the GAAP financial statements because accounting data has been summarized.
Alamance County continues to invest in its employees, public safety, human services, and education spending. The County, along with Alamance-Burlington School System and Alamance Community College, continue to work together through the capital facility plan to better meet the needs of our growing population. Fiscal Year 2023-2024 saw continued capital project investments in our schools and community college.
This report reflects our mission and the important work that our departments and partner organizations have provided to residents this year. We invite you to look over this basic report as well as the complete Annual Comprehensive Financial Report available on our website, and we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions you may have.
Heidi York
County Manager