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Notice of the January 21, 2025 Meeting Cancellation and Rescheduling of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners 

NOTICE is hereby given that the Alamance County Board of Commissioners Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, has been canceled due to potential inclement weather. 

The meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:30 pm in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room. All agenda items to be discussed and considered during the January 21, 2025 meeting will be discussed and considered at that meeting, including the hearing of public comments. 

This 21st day of January 2025. 

Tory M. Frink, Clerk to the Board 

Alamance County Board of Commissioners 

Public Notice – Sale of County Property

An offer of $16,400 has been submitted for the purchase of the forty percent (40%) tenancy-in
common interest owned by Alamance County, for property located at 1506 Wickham Street,
Burlington, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:

THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL of land in Burlington Township, Alamance
County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Wickham Street, Lots Nos. 30, 5, 4, 3 and
32 of Block “C”, Brookwood, and
BEGINNING at an iron stake on the western side of Wickham Street and corner with Lot
No. 30; running thence with the line of Lot No. 30, South 53 deg. 03’ West 160 feet to an
iron stake, corner with Lots Nos. 30, 5 and 4, Block “C”; thence with the line of Lot No.
4, South 36 deg. 14’ East 60 feet to an iron stake corner with Lots Nos. 4, 3 and 32; thence
with the line of Lot No. 32, North 53 deg. 03’ East 160 feet to an iron stake on the western
border of Wickham Street; thence with the said western border of Wickham Street, North
36 deg. 14’West 60 feet to the BEGINNING, and being all of Lot No. 31, Block “C”,
Brookwood, Section 4, as per plat recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for
Alamance County, in Plat Book No. 3, at page 87.
[Per Deed dated September 8, 1982 and recorded in Alamance County Register of Deeds,
Deed Book 475, Page 500]

The Board instructed that this Notice required by §160A-269 be placed in the newspaper and
advertised for upset bids to be received within the ten-day period after the date this Notice has
been published.

Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with their offer
to the County Clerk, 124 W. Elm Street, Graham, NC by 3:00 p.m. At that time the County Clerk
shall open the bids, if any, and the highest qualifying bid will become the new offer. If there is
more than one bid in the highest amount, the first such bid received will become the new offer.

To be responsible an upset bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit of ten percent of the first
$1,000.00 together with five percent (5%) of the remainder amount of the upset bid. An upset bid
deposit may take the form of cash, a cashier’s check, or certified check. The deposit of the bidder
to whom the award is made will be held until sale of the property is closed; if that bidder refuses
at any time to close the sale, the deposit will be forfeited to the County. The deposits of other
bidders will be returned at the time the Board of Commissioners awards the property to the highest
responsive, responsible bidder or rejects all bids.

The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time and the right to
reject all bids.

Inquiries about the property and the sale may be made to the Alamance County Attorney,
124 West Elm Street, Graham, N.C. during normal business hours.

Alamance County’s Response to ACE Speedway


Upon learning that ACE Speedway intends to reopen on May 23, Alamance County has decided not to prohibit its reopening during Phase 2 of Governor Cooper’s plan to reopen North Carolina.

Over the past month, ACE Speedway has communicated extensively with the Alamance County Department of Public Health regarding recommended precautions in an effort to reduce potential exposures. ACE plans to implement several precautions, including screening attendees and providing rosters to the Health Department to facilitate contact tracing, in the event it is needed. In addition, ACE will maintain 10 feet distance between each car in the pit area, recommend masks for crews and 6 feet social distancing in the pit area, provide alcohol hand sanitizer solution at multiple areas (minimum of 10 stations) on infield premises, and provide precaution signage at the entrance, bathrooms, tech shed, and fuel and tire areas. Areas will be marked off in the grandstands to support social distancing. Bathrooms will be disinfected regularly and high touch areas will be disinfected every hour. Special precautions will be taken when dropping off wheels to be mounted and picked up and at fuel drop off. Plexiglas partitions have been installed where needed. The number of persons in the infield and outfield have been limited.

County Attorney Clyde Albright said, “The Exemptions listed in Section 4 of Executive Order 141 include activities constituting the exercise of First Amendment rights, which include the right to peaceably assemble. This exemption retroactively applies to earlier Executive Orders. Significantly, the Governor’s language in the Exemption has changed from ‘order’ to ‘strongly urges’. The Governor recognizes that he may only urge people engaged in exercising First Amendment rights to practice social distancing and other disease control measures. He cannot Constitutionally limit the number of people who can peaceably assemble under the First Amendment. The Temporary Restraining Order

issued last Friday by United States District Judge James C. Dever, III, in the lawsuit Berean et al versus Governor Roy A. Cooper, held that the earlier Executive Orders violate the freedom to attend worship services protected by the First Amendment. Because the right to peaceably assemble is also a First Amendment right, if Alamance County were to attempt to restrict the operation of a business not otherwise restricted by Executive Order 141 then such action may itself be in violation of the First Amendment.”

Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson stated, “When I took my oath of office, I swore to uphold the United States Constitution. I will not enforce an unconstitutional law. Upon hearing the opinion of the County Attorney, I do not intend to stop ACE Speedway from opening on Saturday, May 23.”

All Alamance County residents are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations to promote social distancing and reduce transmission, including maintaining at least six feet from other individuals, wearing a face mask, using hand sanitizer, frequently washing hands, and remaining home if sick. Alamance County is committed to protecting the health and safety of its residents, while recognizing that Americans have freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

Media inquiries should be directed to County Attorney Clyde Albright at or Health Director Stacie Saunders at

Department Spotlight: County Attorney

Alamance County is starting a series of articles and videos called Department Spotlight. These are about how our various departments are successfully providing services for the people of Alamance County according to the monthly performance based budgeting reports.

These may be departments you interact with on a regular basis. They may also be departments that keep the county operating, but don’t interact with the public. They are all necessary parts of a county government and are staffed by good people who work hard to help the county meet its goals of the best possible service for our citizens.

This month, we begin with our County Attorney’s office.