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Notice of Protest Hearing

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the members of the Alamance County Board of Elections will hold a Protest Hearing on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 regarding the Town of Green Level Municipal Election on November 2, 2021.

The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 in the Alamance County Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Alamance County Office Building located at 124 W. Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253.

  • All persons who have received this notice shall have the opportunity to introduce evidence. All
    witnesses will be placed under oath before testifying.
  • Upon request by a protester or interested person, the chair or any two members of the county board
    may issue subpoenas, at their discretion, for persons or documents. Such subpoenas shall be served in
    the same matter as allowed in the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure.

In an effort to provide ample notice to those subpoenaed, the BOE asks that all subpoena requests be submitted to Director Holland via email at by 5:00pm on Thursday, November 11, 2021.