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Don "Denzel" Wilson Don "Denzel" Wilson Don "Denzel" Wilson

County Employees Coordinate Don Wilson Memorial Sock Drive

Socks Donated Towards Cancer Drive at Don Wilson Memorial Bench
The Don Wilson Memorial Bench
Socks Donated Towards Cancer Drive
County Employees donated socks
2016 Cancer Sock Drive
Employees donated a number of cases and boxes filled with socks
Socks Donated Towards Cancer Drive
The socks arrived at Cone Health Cancer Center at Alamance Regional on Monday, July 11

County Employees Coordinate Don Wilson Memorial Sock Drive to Benefit Cone Health Cancer Center at Alamance Regional Medical Center Patients

Alamance County is pleased to announce that, during the month of June 2016, its employees participated in the Don Wilson Memorial “Mmm… I Look Gooooood” Sock Drive. Employees were encouraged to donate unused, packaged socks to benefit patients at the Cone Health Cancer Center at Alamance Regional Medical Center.

Why socks? When asked, we were told that socks were one of their patients’ most pressing needs, especially for their patients undergoing chemotherapy.

As a result of this drive, the county employees were able to collect 12 cases worth of socks for these patients.  Local businesses also participated by donating socks to this cause, including Gildan, Kayser-Roth, Pro Feet Missionary Team, and the Koury family at Carolina Mills.  Additionally, Hanesbrand Outlet Store in Mebane donated and accepted donations for the drive.

“Our employees are honored to remember Don Wilson by supplying people in the hardest time in their lives with a gift that is so simple and so welcome.  Our employees and community dug deep to give, and we know that Don would be pleased with this outreach.  We would encourage people to take the time to find opportunities like this to make a real impact in our county,” stated Scott Ward, coordinator of the drive.

County employees delivered the socks to the Cancer Center on Monday, July 11.  This date marks the 1st anniversary of Don Wilson’s passing while he was under the care of the center.